Welcome to your DefuseDivorce.com Program. To begin, press the "Start" button below or the "Program" button on the left of the screen. To complete steps within the program, press the "Complete Step" button at the bottom of the screen during each step. If you have any questions or technical issues, please reach out to us at admin@defusedivorce.com ===About Your Program=== Reunification Therapy is a form of therapy often ordered by the court, or agreed to by the parties, to help the family when a child is resisting or refusing contact with a parent. Reunification Therapy may also be ordered if a child is resisting or refusing to follow the parenting plan ordered by the court. This orientation will: 1. Define reunification therapy 2. Explain how reunification therapy is different from other forms of therapy 3. Help prepare you for what to expect from their involvement in reunification therapy 4. Discuss how to talk to your children about reunification therapy 5. Discuss common myths often associated with reunification therapy ===Program Creators=== Susan Fletcher, Ph.D. Christy Bradshaw Schmidt, MA, LPC
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