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What is Reunification Therapy?

Reunification therapy is a type of therapy often ordered for families where children are resisting or refusing contact with a parent. This orientation will explain what reunification therapy is and clarify expectations for what parents and children can expect from participating in reunification therapy.

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Many TermsOne Process

Parenting Plan Evaluation (PPE)
Child Custody Evaluation (CCE)
Parenting Rights Evaluation
Social Study

All of these are names for the same process!

Reunification Therapy

Reunification therapy is a type of therapy often ordered for families where children are resisting or refusing contact with a parent. This orientation will explain what reunification therapy is and clarify expectations for what parents and children can expect from participating in reunification therapy.


Parents, has your child been resisting contact with you or their other parent?

Full Program: $97

Program Coming Soon!

Reunification Therapy is a form of therapy often ordered by the court, or agreed to by the parties, to help the family when a child is resisting or refusing contact with a parent. Reunification Therapy may also be ordered if a child is resisting or refusing to follow the parenting plan ordered by the court. 

This orientation will:

  • Define reunification therapy

  • Explain how reunification therapy is different from other forms of therapy

  • Help prepare you for what to expect from their involvement in reunification therapy

  • Discuss how to talk to your children about reunification therapy

  • Discuss common myths often associated with reunification therapy

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Enrollment in the course includes access for 1 year!

  • Watch the program anytime, anywhere!

  • Review the materials as needed

Full Program: $97

Purchase Includes:
- Enrollment in "Reunification"

Program includes: Video program. 1-year 24/7 access to review the program. Certificate of completion

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