Shared Parenting
Even though the intimate adult relationship is over, the business of shared parenting must persist.

Parenting Plan Evaluation (PPE)
Child Custody Evaluation (CCE)
Parenting Rights Evaluation
Social Study
All of these are names for the same process!
Shared Parenting
Even though the intimate adult relationship is over, the business of shared parenting must persist.
Parents, How do you navigate sharing parenting responsibilities when custody is shared?

Program Coming Soon!
Even though the intimate adult relationship is over, the business of shared parenting must persist. In this 90-minute program, psychologist Allen Levy discusses post-separation and post-divorce parenting in the practical language of a job share.
What are the job’s requirements and responsibilities?
What are the percs and the benefits?
How can you better cooperate and communicate with the parent who shares this job so that your children’s needs are met?

Enrollment in the course includes access for 1 year!
Watch the program anytime, anywhere!
Review the materials as needed