What is Reunification Therapy?
WHO is this course for?
This course is for you if you are:
Wondering whether reunification therapy will help you and your family
Talking to your lawyer about reunification therapy
Court-ordered to participate in reunification therapy
Supporting someone who is considering or about to participate in reunification therapy
You should take this course when:
Your lawyer suggests that reunification therapy might be helpful and you wonder, “What is that?”
You receive a court order requiring reunification therapy for you and your child and you want to be prepared
Your anxiety or uncertainty about your upcoming reunification therapy threatens to overwhelm you
You are worried or concerned that reunification therapy will be harmful to you or your child
WHEN should you take this course?
WHY take this course?
You should take this course if:
Your child’s welfare and emotional health are your highest priorities
You’re committed to keeping your kids out of the middleof the adult conflict
Because your child is at risk of resisting or refusing contact with a parent
Because your child is resisting or refusing contact with a parent
Because you want to be prepared for reunification therapy to defuse your stress and worry